Through online Quran teaching, you can connect with parents in your area who want their children to learn and recite the Quran. If you’re thinking about teaching online Quran lessons, but aren’t sure if it’s the right thing to do, read on to find out why online Quran teaching may be just what you need. 10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Online Quran Teaching For Kids 1.
1) Quran Teaches Values
No matter how old your kids are, you’ll want them to understand why a clean house is important. Many parents believe that it’s about keeping things in order or following specific rules. These may be small motivators for children, but these aren’t what keep an organized house.
2) Arabic Language Skills
Like any language, in order to properly learn and understand Arabic, students must first learn how to read, write and speak it. Online Quran teaching for kids offers children a platform in which they can actively engage with words, without having to rely on English translations or memorization. This helps build language skills and develop reading comprehension much faster than traditional methods do. The online platform helps kids stay motivated while practicing their learning at home or on-the-go.
3) Money for Books – Learn on your own time
One of the biggest reasons to get your child involved in online Qur’an classes is because they learn on their own time. This gives them a chance to listen and read along at their own speed, and it means you won’t have to try wrangling your kids around for weekly Qur’an recitals. Online Qur’an classes give children a more convenient way to learn about Islam.
4) Boost School Grades
Here are 10 reasons why you should consider online Qur’an teaching for kids: #1. It Helps Them Establish a Solid Foundation From An Early Age In The Home, Online Qur’an teaching offers a way to establish good habits early on that will assist your children in school and later in life. It’s far easier to build good character traits into kids when they are young than it is to try and correct an inferior attitude later on.
5) Social Skills Improvement
A lot of children are shy. And even if they’re not, you know as well as I do that teenagers (and adults) need to know social skills for life. That’s why you should consider online Quran teaching for kids: to teach them some basic social skills and improve their confidence.
6) Time Management Skills
Having a busy schedule, like most adults these days, can be overwhelming at times. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The best way to manage your time is by planning in advance what you want to accomplish each day. Having an organized and efficient schedule will allow you more time for yourself and with your family members.
7) Great Substitute for TV
Using TV to entertain your kids is a big no-no, especially for those under age 5. This younger crowd can easily get hooked on whatever show happens to be running and won’t stop watching until their parents make them stop. But what if there was an alternative that didn’t leave you in control of what they’re watching but was fun enough to keep them occupied? Online Quran teaching could be just what you’re looking for! …
8) Gives Knowledge about Religion and Culture
Children gain knowledge of their faith, culture and beliefs as well as better understand their heritage. If you’re looking for some motivation to improve your child’s Islamic studies or you want them to learn more about their religion and culture, then an online teacher may be able to help. A dedicated teacher will have a deeper understanding of religious customs and traditions. They will also know how to teach these values in a fun way that children can relate to.
9) Self-Confidence Booster
When you’re a kid, it can be difficult to raise your hand to speak up in class or share your opinion. Enrolling your kids in an online Quran class is a great way to encourage them to boost their self-confidence and push them outside of their comfort zone. There, they’ll learn how much fun it can be to test out an idea and then share their findings with friends. With some practice and repetition, kids will soon be sharing their opinions in front of class without even realizing it!
10) Improves Relationships with Parents
For many parents, starting their children on a path of Islam is one of their most important responsibilities. But some may wonder whether there are differences between learning with a teacher and studying at home. While both scenarios come with benefits and drawbacks, it’s up to you and your child to decide which type of program makes more sense. Here are four questions you should ask yourself before signing up your child in an online Quran teaching for kids academy